A day at Hoots after school club

What can we offer your children?

Breakfast Club at Toftwood Infant School from 7.30am

Breakfast Club at Toftwood Infant School
Breakfast Club is open from 7.30am and is used by those children who attend Toftwood Infant, Toftwood Junior School, Yaxham and Scarning. At breakfast Club staff meet us at the door each morning and exchange any information with our parents/careers. We greet our friends and then find something interesting to do. Each day there are different activities available such as drawing, board games, Construction, small world toys, reading, and jigsaws or just relaxing on the cushions and chatting with our friends. We offer breakfast in the morning to those families who require. Since September 2018 Hoots has expanded our breakfast club facility to meet the needs of our parents, we now offer a Junior Hoots breakfast club from 8am which offers similar activities and routine to Infant Hoots Breakfast club. At 8.30am we gather up our belongings and a member of hoots staff escort us to school.

How we get to school in the morning

Toftwood Infant – Children are taken to their classrooms by staff.
Junior School Children – Children are taken to their classrooms by staff.
Scarning Primary School Children – are taken by car to school.
Yaxham Primary School Children – are taken by car to school.

After School Club – At Toftwood Infant and Toftwood Junior School

After School Club is open from 3pm each day.

Toftwood Infant children are bought into the hall by their teachers.
Toftwood Junior children walk into their hall.
Yaxham and Scarning children are collected from school by a Hoots play worker and driven to their respective After School Club.
Children attending high schools in the area catch a bus from their school to the Junior School Club.

We make our way into the school hall where staff greet us and chat about our day. All our bags and kit are kept on school trolleys or pegs (junior school). Afternoon snack is available and is usually fresh fruit, milkshake and water. We help prepare snacks such as dips and sandwiches. We can take part in additional clubs at hoots including Cooking Club, homework club, ICT club, yoga club, crochet and knitting, sports club and gardening club to name a few. These are accessible on different evenings ensuring all our children have opportunities to take part.


At the After School Club we can choose from a large selection of activities. These range from construction toys, dolls, large floor games, drawing, painting, using clay and play dough, cooking, sewing, junk modelling, all types of craft, playing on the PS3 & XBOX, watching a DVD, listening and dancing to music, visiting the school library to read or do homework or just chilling out in a quiet area and talking with our friends.

We can also go outside to play. We play on the School playgrounds and the outdoor equipment. We have a large selection of outdoor equipment available to use such as tennis racquets, basketballs, tag rugby, parachute, footballs and skipping ropes. You can take part in the Sports Club which offers all children the opportunity to take part in team games and improve your skills or learn new ones. From 4.30pm we can use the school’s (Toftwood Infants) ICT suite. We have access to our own laptops within the hall at the Junior Club. We can play games, find out information on our own or have help to do this. We also have a weekly clubs including: cupcake club; athletics club; magazine club and needlework club; these change each half term please ask a member of staff for details.


Tea is available each day in the hall. This is a great time to sit and chat with friends and staff. Tea is a small snack consisting of either sandwiches, wraps, baked beans on toast, wraps, crackers & cheese and a pudding. Sometimes we cook our tea together and share it with the other children.


While we are at Hoots we are taught how to keep ourselves safe and happy. The staff always know where we are, signing us in and keeping registers of where we are within the school. We always have an adult supervising our activities. Our parents/careers must sign us out each night.

Key Person

If we are in the Foundation Stage (Reception class) the staff will assign us a Key person who takes extra care of us. This person will ensure we are safe and happy. They will get to know our family well, passing information back and forth. We will also have our own special book where we can record, with our key person, the fun things we have done.

Working in partnership with schools

The staff know our schools very well and share information with our teachers so that we are cared for especially well. If we have had an accident at school or are feeling unwell our teachers will let Hoots staff know. They can then keep an eye on us or if necessary ring our parents/carers.

Parents as partners

When our parent/s arrive we gather together all our bags and kit. Our parents chat with the staff and share information about our day or afternoon. We then say goodbye to everyone and leave the club. The After School Club closes at 6pm.

Holiday Club

We can go to Hoots Holiday Club when school is closed. At the Holiday Club we have access to the same equipment and activities as we would at the After School Club although we have daily additional planned activities. We have special days with in house visits from pottery classes, karate, first aid, Mini Beasts, Sports Coach, and Movie Days. Hoots Have Talent & Party Day to name but a few. We also go on lots of external trips including Dinosaur Park, Gressenhall farm and museum, High Lodge and our local big park.