A HUGE interest for Barn owls Scarning are caterpillars & butterflies! They have absolutely loved learning about them, from seeing them outside in the road garden and ticking it off their bug hunt list to watching them grow day by day indoors from a baby caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly ready for release.
Today has been a super special day for the children as the caterpillars they have so wonderfully been looking after have starting coming out of their chrysalis. We now have 5 flapping butterflies that we will release on Monday.
Our curiosity box has been transformed into a caterpillar into butterfly cycle. The box has images of different types of butterflies with their names so that barn can familiarise themselves with the different species of butterflies they may see outside.
The children have all really enjoyed exploring the box and using the magnifying glasses to have a closer look at the real life butterfly that’s inside the box. They have also loved looking at the intricate patterned that each butterfly species has. Barn owls also extended their learning by linking our curiosity box to the story of ‘The hungry caterpillar’, they used their caterpillars toys eat through all the yummy food.
Here are a few quotes from barn owls!
“He’s flapping his wings”
“I like butterflies”
“He has orange on him”
“That caterpillar is long”
This morning our Snowy Owls Scarning have had a super time learning all about Recycling as this weeks theme is ‘Recycling Week!”
The practitioners have created an engaging tray filled with different recycling items and then three recycling bins, one for paper, one for card and one for plastic for the children to learn about separating the items!
The children were fantastic at helping to separate the recycling rubbish and some children explained that they like to help Mummy and Daddy put rubbish in the bins at home too!
“I help Mummy” “this one is paper!” “Rubbish bin” “green one” “which one?”