Barn Owls – Animals

This morning in Barn owls we have been continuing in our interest in animals! At our morning group time the children chose to read ‘Daisy the Dolphin’ Barn Owls enjoyed reading this story and learning about how rubbish can sometimes harm our animals in the sea. From this we created a messy gloop sea tray! Barn Owls enjoyed helping to set up the tray finding animals they saw in the story . They said “we need dolphins “ and “seals!” Barn Owls then enjoyed playing with the animals making them swim and making marks in the gloop! Well done Barn Owls

This afternoon the Barn Owl children have been responsible young pet owners, helping to clean out Barney the hamster, getting her ready to go on an adventure for the weekend with one of the children. The Barn Owls, with the help of their grown ups, got rid of the old saw dust, sprayed out her cage with child safe cleaner, then put the new saw dust back in, making her a cosy little bed, and making sure she had new food and clean water. The children did really well working together as a team, taking turns and listening to instructions.
During the this activity the children had lots of questions they asked “why does so much stuff need to be put in”, “why do you put in the white stuff?” and “can we put in the treats”. They also enjoyed exploring the feel of the bedding with one child commenting “soft”.

Well done Barn Owls and we wish Barney a fun weekend away from nursery.