An Adventurous Week at Little Owls day Nursery Near Norwich

Does your child attend one of our Barn owl pre school rooms? If so your child have access to complementary library books whereby they can select a book at the end of their nursery session and then return it the next time they attend nursery near Norwich.

Littlw Owls Day Nursery Books
These are situated in both of our Toftwood Red and Yellow preschool rooms and in the main reception area at our Scarning Little Owls for our Snowy and Barn owl children to access.

In Barn Owls, (see more) our children have enjoyed playing in our train builders tray with their friends. At Toftwood Barn Owls, near Norwich we have been focusing our theme of transport.


Our Tawny Owls (see more) had a magical morning feeding the horses! They loved seeing the horses come right up to the window and watch them in their field. We are very fortunate to have nature right on our doorstep! A lot of fun was had by all! We ensure that our a babies and toddlers experience our lovely outdoor environment on a daily basis. Now that the weather is becoming a little chiller☃️ could we please ask that all of our toddlers are supplied with warm outerwear clothes (ideally snowsuits) each session that they attend nursery to ensure they are warm and snug outside.


Little Owls Scarning (see more) are learning about Farms within our Snowy Owls room! Being a nursery which is located on a functioning farm we are fortunate to see lots of different machinery in the field’s alongside our lovely horses! In addition to this many of our families come from farming backgrounds around Norfolk and we can use this opportunity to discuss the similarities and differences in our families. This afternoon the girls have prepared a interactive Tuff tray full to the brim of farm themed toys and a lovely story to read too! With Farm week we will be heading into the garden each day.

The Barn Owls (see more) Scarning have enjoyed learning about different cultures and ethnicity during All About Me week. The children have explored different food, homes and languages they can find in different parts of the world, and discussed what their favourite thing is about living in the UK.

In Barn Owls red we have been very busy making a new home corner. The children thought about what they would like in the new space and decided they would like a sofa and a tv. The children then helped make some of the resources and have be using the area to role play their home environments.

Barn owls yellow we have been practising mini me yoga! The children tried the different poses together and then made up some of their own poses. Mini me yoga is excellent for children’s physical development and mindfulness.

This afternoon our Tawny Owls in Toftwood have been very busy getting messy with the paint! The children have used cars to make marks on the foil with the paint. Well done Tawny Owls

Little Owls Scarning, the Barn Owls have enjoyed exploring the mud kitchen. The children made mud pies and cakes, and enjoyed getting messy.

The Snowy Owls (see more) Scarning thoroughly enjoyed exploring in the grass garden this morning where it was frosty! The children enjoyed looking at the frost on the windows and seeing the grass twinkle.