Little Owls Day Nursery Concentrate on Well Being Week
Last week we have were continuing with our well-being week by celebrating ‘being active’. All of our nurseries held an active stay and play with some of our lovely families. Tawny Owls Nursery went on a bear hunt in our den building garden, they moved in different ways negotiating various spaces and obstacles.
Snowy Owls Nursery did some sports activities in the garden such as hopscotch and egg and spoon races. Our barn owl nursey children joined in with some excellent bug hunting and did some activities indoors including yoga and making fruit faces to promote staying healthy. A big well done to all of our little owls and thank you to our families who came along. #littleowls #nurseriesindereham #stayandplay #being active
Also last week at Little Owls Scarning, the Barn Owls have enjoyed learning new skills, working as a team to sculpt an owl out of clay. The Barn Owls also enjoyed an active stay and play session today. This consisted of an exciting obstacle course and lots of garden activities, finished off with a story and a fruit platter! Thank you to those who joined us! #BarnOwls #Active #WellBeing #LittleOwls