Exploring, Chinese new year and story time
This week in Barn Owls Scarning we have enjoyed exploring the grass garden and participating in a leaf hunt. The children enjoyed collecting leaves with different colours and shape. Barn owls enjoyed feeling the texture of the leaves as they scrunched it in their hands.
After this we ventured off to the fire pit where the children enjoyed talking about the smells, colours and sounds. Whilst the fire was keeping us warm, Barn owls listened carefully to a story which discussed how leaves fall and turn brown and crunchy.
Here are few quotes from Barn owls:
“That was terrific!”
“Leaves are crunchy”
“It’s smells Smokey”
“The fire is very hot”
“I have lots of leaves”
This week in Snowy Owls Scarning our overarching theme is ‘Mindfulness week!’
Today the children have had a super time exploring an open ended loose parts tray based around yoga and mindfulness to explore the different resources using their senses and practicing their balancing in doing lots of fun yoga moves alongside the familiar friends and practitioners too!
Snowy Owls have loved investigating the musical instruments, senesory bottles and have had a great time doing various yoga poses too!
This activity sparked lots of different conversations with the children extending their language around different topics! “I’m stretching” “I can touch my toes” “look at me!” “Wow!” “That’s blue!”
Well done Snowy Owls Scarning.
Chinese new year in Tawny Owls Scarning
Today in Tawny owls Scarning, the babies have had an excellent time celebrating Chinese New Year with an array of immersive experiences.
Some of the babies allocated their hands into the paint to create their very own dragons. During this activity Chinese music was played in the background as they investigated the paint.
Additionally, a range of sensory trays were presented filled with brightly coloured rice and feathers for the individuals to inspect and explore the different textures. The babies were enchanted by the textures, squeezing and sprinkling their hands which enhanced their fine motor skills.
They commenced their fun filled day with some Chinese themed yoga. The babies enjoyed laying down and copying the actions displayed by the acquainted adult. The babies practiced their all mighty roar just like the tiger.
Happy Chinese New Year from all us at Tawny owls Scarning.
Dinosaur Tray
This morning in Snowy Owls Toftwood we have been exploring a dinosaur themed messy tray! The tray was filled with colourful rice which the children enjoyed using to mark make! We also practiced making our dinosaur ‘rooaarrr’ sounds!
Well done Snowy Owls!
The Barn Owls in Scarning have enjoyed a special story time with Holly this morning!
Today’s story was all about ‘The Happiness Bucket’ , where we discussed how to fill our own and other peoples buckets with a happiness, for example saying hello to a neighbour and waving to the bus driver!
One of the children also asked to sing the song ‘There is a hole in my bucket’ which they all enjoyed singing at the end of the story, very loudly too!!
The session then ended with the children decorating a picture of their own bucket full of happiness, and discussing ways in which we can fill up others invisible buckets today at nursery.
Thank you Holly for your special story time!