Families Bedtime Bear Story café

Families Bedtime Bear Story café

Dear Families,

We are writing to invite you to a Bedtime Bear Story Café

We are offering families the opportunity to join our Bedtime Bear Story Café as we continue to embed the importance of Literacy in the Early Years. We invite you to come along in your pyjamas and bring your favourite bear. The sessions will consist of helping bear get ready for bed, enjoying a cup of milk and a cookie and then snuggling down for a bedtime story. After the story, you can join in with some relaxing activities, such as singing nursery rhymes, colouring in a picture and exploring sensory dough.

The sessions will be held as follows:

Toftwood and Scarning – Tuesday 26th November at 5pm.

If you would like to book a place on any of these sessions please contact your nursery manager.

Scarning: mail@littleowlsscarning.co.uk 01362 690777

Toftwood: mail@littleowlstoftwood.co.uk 01362 699700

We look forward to seeing you there!