Family Lockdown ScrapBook

A lockdown memory book could be something we look at in the future reminding us of the things and feelings we felt. This period is something that will be marked in history books. It would be great to be able to show future generations how it impacted us, the lessons we learned and the important
things we shouldn’t take for granted.

• Making a family scrapbook is an excellent way to help us connect, take notice and reflect as a family.
• You can pick up an a4 notebook for as little as £1 and a glue stick to get you started.
• It is a way to get the whole family involved as every member of the family can make a contribution.
• Scroll through you phone a pick at least 5 pictures over the last year that make you smile.
• Use these pictures to have conversations with your children about how they felt at the time and encourage them to draw, talk or write about their experience.
• Do it for you – not for social media! Aesthetics aren’t important when it comes to scrapbooking it’s about the experience you have not the product at the end of it so don’t worry about how it looks and ensure your children have ownership of it.
•Screenshot memes, comments from your group chats or any other pieces of text that evoke a memory or make you smile and add these to your scrap-book.
• Get your children to design a facemask, and stick that in this is a good way to start a conversation about their feelings around the changes we are living through.
• At little Owls we have came across a free printable starter kit with children in mind here which might be helpful to get you started.

This is also a great way to fill a bit of time on the dark, damp evenings we are having at the moment!.

We hope that you enjoy creating this with your little ones at home.

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