Gingerbread man & construction area

Yesterday in Tawny Owls Toftwood we completed our gingerbread man! The children added lots of glitter and Pom poms and enjoyed adding his facial features and a hat to finish off his look!

They all concentrated really hard and enjoyed creating different marks and watching their lovely masterpiece come to life! Fantastic job Tawny Owls

New features in our construction area

This week Snowy Owls Scarning have had some fantastic features added into their construction area such as, pallet roads, tunnels and tubes and a set of screws and bolts!  The children have really enjoyed these new resources to engage in creating their very own roads as big or as little as they like for their cars to drive along. We have also had many cars travel long distances across the room through tunnels and tubes!

The children have also engaged in some imaginative role play pretending to be builders with their construction tools , screws and bolts fixing fixtures such as the climbing frame and Wendy house!

In this construction area we also have a lovely book based around construction vehicles and more which the children have loved, taking time out to read a calming story based on their interests