Hibernation, Autumn weather and pumpkins!!

This week in Tawny Owls Scarning our topic has been all about Autumn weather. This week a few of our rising 2s enjoyed going outside in the grass garden to go on an Autumn scavenger hunt looking for different natural resources. When outside our children enjoyed finding different coloured leaves and lots of twigs to put into the basket. The children enjoyed exploring the different textures and exploring the crunchy leaves.
Afterwards our babies enjoyed creating lots of Autumn collages using the different resources they found in the garden. The children spread the glue using the glue stick and then they confidently picked what natural resources they wanted to put onto their paper to create their picture. Our babies were fascinated by all the different natural resources and had lots of fun.

This week In barn owls Yellow we have been creating a hibernation house! We have been learning about nocturnal animals and the different animals which hibernate in the colder months! Barn owls enjoyed creating the hibernation house using natural resources like leaves , sticks and dried flowers barn owls then enjoyed drawing hedgehogs and then creating pine cone hedgehogs to add to the hibernation house! We asked barn owls how they think the hedgehogs would feel they said
“They would feel so spiky!”
“Their noses would feel soft and wet!”

This week’s forest activity has been den building , linking in with space week we have been busy making a rocket
Before building our rocket we have spoken about what we would like to see when we go to space
‘ the stars ‘
‘ the moon at night time ‘
‘Flying starts ‘
In the garden we have found lots of loose parts to build with , we choose to us tyres and wood for steps , when we found the big plant pot Barn Owls then choose to store ‘ food ‘ in.

This morning to celebrate all things yoga and mindfulness as our topic this week is Mindfullness, our Snowy Owls Scarning have had a great time taking part in some Yoga and Mindfulness in their new calm area!
They carried out a variety of autumn themed poses such as the tree pose, downward dog pose, hendgehog pose, star pose and the snake pose!
“I’m stretching” “look at me” “star” “prickly hedgehog” “sparkly lights!

This week for well-being week we’ve been looking at the hungry caterpillar book! We’ve had a wonderful tray to explore as well as creating some wonderful caterpillar and butterfly pictures! While we were exploring the garden we found a real caterpillar! We made him a little home and called him Kevin! We’ve all thoroughly enjoyed observing Kevin using our magnifying glasses and we compared our beautiful caterpillar pictures to him too! Thank you for coming to say hello Kevin!

Welcome to Barn Owls pumpkin patch
This morning in Barn Owls Yellow we have been talking about going pumpkin picking this led to us to making our very own pumpkin patch! We used our fine motor and hand eye coordination skills to cut off our own pumpkins from the patch using our scissors. We then measured our pumpkins alongside the pumpkin measure focusing on sizes small, medium, large.