Little Owls Day Nursery Prepare for Halloween
The Tawny Owls Scarning have had a lovely messy week! The children have explored gloop, painted with pine cones and have also enjoyed getting messy with pumpkins.
Here at Little Owls toftwood, our Barn owl red classroom held their Autumn story cafe. Our chosen book, was ‘Percy the park keeper- after the storm’. Our families listened to the story and then took part in lots of autumnal fun activities. What a lovely morning we had! ????
Our Snowy Owl children are having a very fun Halloween week ? here at Little Owls Toftwood. They have really enjoyed helping to scoop out the pumpkins, practising their fine motor skills and hand eye coordination. The children have also enjoyed taking part in some mini me yoga, and imitating a range of poses, enhancing their physical well-being! Well done Snowy owls!
We have had a very crafty week in Barn Owls Scarning. The children have enjoyed making spiders, decorating pumpkins, creating their own witches wands and much more!
We had a very Halloween inspired day in snowy owls yesterday! Using half apples to create pumpkins and making chocolate sprinkle apples to enjoy at home! ?
Tawny Owls toftwood have been exploring their room on the broom themed tent this week. We had a story and song time in our new tent. The children listened to the story of room on the broom and then explored all of our lovely props such as wands and witches hats.