Mathematics and Reading

Barn Owls, Snowy Owls and Tawny Owls loved jumping aboard the library bus! We looked at lots of exciting books and the children enjoyed selecting books of their choice to borrow. We will really enjoy these for story time and group time

Today in Snowy Owls Scarning we have been focusing on mathematics!
Snowy Owls have recently really enjoyed messy themed tuff trays so we have incorporated this within a mathematics activity focused on shapes and loose natural parts!
The children loved this activity today focusing attention for a long period of time and encouraging their peers to join in as a group,sharing resources and turn taking. They all did a fantastic job categorising according to shape and size, they also showed great control and skills with pouring from one object to another and using fine motor skills to piece shapes together and thread loose parts onto natural resources.
This activity encouraged fantastic communication skills, identifying simple shapes “Circle”, “Triangle”, using language of size “This is a big circle” and selecting chosen colours “I’ve got a blue cup”. We also heard some great counting, reciting in order from 1 to 10!