Clay pots, den building, hand prints and pizza making!

Today in barn owls we have been making some vegetable pizzas with our chef Annie! We then spoke about healthy eating and the yummy vegetables we like to eat! We hope you enjoy eating these at home and would love to see some photos either on here or on tapestry!

Today in Tawny Owls Scarning they had a splendid experience building and crafting a den! The babies were compelled by the shiny and colourful materials.
Some of the babies were enchanted by observing the twinkling lights and adored playing peek a boo with their friends!
For some of the older children they were fascinated by the array of colours they could see from blue and red.

The Barn Owls in Scarning have enjoyed making handprint pictures, and decorating them too!
“It looks like nail varnish”
“I’m using all the colours”
“My hands are big”
“Splodge… splosh!”
What a lovely keepsake for the children to have, to watch how their hands grow as they get bigger!

This week in Barn Owls we have been making clay plant pots as part of our forest school activity.
Barn owls have had the opportunity to explore this new material, using our fine motor skills to roll, push, pinch and poke to design their plant pot. Next week we will be planting seeds in pots and watching them grow.