Painting at Tawny Owls

Today in tawny owls toftwood we have been taking part in some painting using cars and diggers!

The children took it in turns using individual cars to make marks on tin foil! The children made driving sounds as they pushed the cars along the foil using blue and purple paint!

Well done Tawny Owls, fantastic mark making!

Animal Yoga!

Today in Tawny Owls Scarning we expanded on one of our much loved books called Doing The Animal Bop by taking part in some animal yoga.
This activity is great for the younger children to enhance their gross motor skills and mobility and for the older individuals they adore creating not only the animal poses but they also love to vocalise some of the animal sounds and names.

Whether they are crawling or walking yoga is a wonderful activity to share.

This week Snowy Owls Scarning have been busy learning about “people who help us and who are important to us!”
Today we have been using paint pens at the craft table decorating super hero pictures! Snowy owls loved using these pens making lots of various marks with serval different colours.

These special pictures are going to be used on a surprise display that we will be creating very soon for our parents to see outside the nursery!
Whilst getting busy with this activity it encouraged Snowy Owls to discuss about the different colours, superhero’s and superpowers!

“My super hero can fly” “My superhero goes zoooom!” “I’ve got lots of colours on my picture “

Today in barn owls yellow we created snow! Barn owls had their own individual plates and snow and enjoyed creating lots of things! They made tiny snowmen , drew different shapes and also used different vehicles to create different marks! Well done barn owls

Today in Barn owls as part of our forest school style activities we made ‘bird binoculars’. This followed on from our bird feeder activity last week. The children reflected back on this activity by looking to see if the birds had eaten their feeders, and remembered how they made them.
The children have been showing an interest in birds and enjoyed making these simple bird binoculars.
All the children had a go at cutting out the shapes by themselves while taking care using scissors.
We looked a a bird checklist to see if we could spot any. The children took a closer look up at the sky and saw a seagull and a brown bird which they said looked like the sparrow on the checklist. We also talked about other birds such as robins and magpies.

Can you look in your gardens and see what birds you can find?