Painting butterflies & the Mud Kitchen
Today in Tawny owls Scarning we have had lots of fun painting butterflies. Our babies enjoyed choosing the different coloured paints that they wanted to paint with. They then held the paintbrush with their palmer grip in their hand and had lots of fun painting and creating marks onto their butterfly picture. Some of our babies made lines and dots. Lots of sounds and words were used such as
Well done Tawny Owls what super creations you have made!
Today in Tawny Owls Scarning our babies have been enchanted by the mud kitchen. Our babies had so much fun exploring the whole of mud the kitchen provision. When in the mud kitchen our babies enjoyed filling the pots and pans up with different materials and then had fun pretending to mix using the metal spoons before transporting the stones and mud into other pots and containers showing a good use of hand eye coordination and fine motor skills.