Planting sunflower seeds

This week in Tawny Owls Scarning our topic has been all about minibeasts. Today we have been enjoying an incy wincy spider tuff tray to coincide with one of our favourite nursery rhymes. Our babies had lots of fun and were enchanted by the water and plastic mini spiders. When exploring the tray our babies loved listening to a familiar adult sing incy wincy spider and learning to do the actions. Our babies also investigated the different plastic tubes and used their hands to push the spiders down and watched them fall out back into the tray. Our babies also liked using their hands to splash the water and feeling the water on their hands and stepping into the tray to splash with their feet. Lots of fun.

This week, the Barn Owls in Scarning have enjoyed planting some sunflower seeds!
The children enjoyed decorating their plant pots using different coloured crayons and pens to make their pots unique!
“Blue is my favourite colour”
“I’m drawing a smiley face”
“I have a rainbow on mine”
The children then enjoyed adding the compost to their pot, gently planting some seeds and adding some soil on top to bury them!
The Barn Owls were also busy discussing what their seeds need to help them grow!
“I need some water please”
“Can I put mine outside now?”
“I think mine will grow!!”

We have been developing areas of our tiny tawnys room meeting our littlest owls needs.
Here our tiny tawnys have been enjoying our NEW black and white sensory teepee, our babies have enjoyed exploring stories and the sensory doughnuts and balls in the teepee.