Sensory Trail

Today, Tawny Owls Scarning has an excellent time going on a sensory walk with an assortment of material for them to examine with their little hands and feet.
Some lovely worlds and sounds were witnessed during this task such as

“Yay pop”

“Ready, gooooo”

“Deee deee daaa”

Well done Tawny Owls. It looks like you all had such a fun day

Today in tawny owls toftwood we’ve had a wonderful sensory experience! We created a transparent canvas on one of our tables! Using cling film and paint our children enjoyed creating various marks with paint brushes, sponges and their hands!

Our tawny owls made lots of sounds and showed their intrigue through this! We also heard words like “blue”, “mess” and “pretty!”

Well done Tawny Owls