So much fun exploring in the garden
Little Owls Scarning Barn owls and Snowy Owls have been busy drawing their self portraits! Some children decided to draw people who are special to them. Lots of fantastic imaginative skills and descriptive phrases were displayed during this activity. They were all very proud of their drawings.
We then made these into ‘being back together’ bunting and have displayed these at the front of the nursery. Please take some time to have a look at these when you drop off or pick up your little ones 😊🦉💙💛
“I am drawing mummy”
“My eyes”
“It’s a man with one eye”
“I have three straight arms and two wiggly legs”
Tawny Owls Toftwood have been having so much fun exploring in the garden. They enjoyed building with the bricks under their new gazebo!
Tawny Owls Toftwood have made a key person book for the children. The children have loved looking at the photos of all their key people, and we hope everyone will be reunited very soon!
Snowy Owls Scarning theme has been ‘nature’, so when the sun was shining we all worked together with Laura to create a tee pee in our nature garden. We took turns in planting some climber plants and some sweet pea seeds.
The snowy Owls will help Colette and Chloe to water the plants and take care of them and are excited to watch them grow! Hopefully they will grow around the canes so we can have a climber plant tee pee to hide and explore in in our nature garden very soon.