Sowing seeds, egg races and life-cycle of a frog

This morning our Toftwood Barn Owls began sowing their seeds ready to plant in our new growing area. We started with some carrot seeds and we will also be growing peas, cress, lettuce and beans. The children will be involved in the whole process and learn how things grow from a seed to something they can eat.
We will keep you updated on how our vegetable patch is growing.

In addition to starting our growing area this morning, our Toftwood Barn Owls helped to make our herb garden this afternoon
We planted some Rosemary, mint, coriander, sage and oregano
This will give the children a lovely experience where they can explore various scents and textures. When our herbs grow we can even use them in our playdough and water tray.
We are very lucky to be expecting some frogspawn soon and have made an area where the children can watch them over time and see them grow into frogs.

Today at Little Owls Scarning our tawny owls have enjoyed exploring flower petal water play. Practitioners offered an array of metal utensils, pots, pans and containers within the tuff tray for the children to explore and add into their experience. They had lots of fun exploring the water with their hands and investigating moving the water; whether that that be transporting water between the containers, making big splashes and trying to catch the water when it was being poured from a jug. The children were intrigued by the different colour petals and loved transporting them into all the metal pots.

Today our barn owls Scarning have enjoyed egg and spoon races in the grass garden. The children showed great hand eye coordination and balancing skills as they took turns in racing against their peers. The children cheered on their friends and enjoyed shouting ready steady go! The children found it very funny when Ella and Elsa had a race at the end!

Story shelves at Snowy Owls Scarning

Recently in Snowy Owls Scarning we have updated our story shelves. This time rather than focusing on the different seasons we have focused on the children’s current interest of small world animals!
Snowy Owls have a variety of favourite stories that we listen to during the week so for our shelves we have selected four stories based on animals! ‘The Gruffalo’ ‘Dear zoo’ ‘Noisy farm’ and ‘Ten minutes till bed little dinosaur’.
Each shelf consists of different features, characters and animals from each story with some natural resources alongside and story stones added to allow the children to imitate and repeat familiar phrases from their favourite stories.
Throughout the week Snowy Owls have loved exploring the shelves making great use of all the open ended resources available and spending time independently to read the different stories and as a small group with their familiar adults.

Today our Toftwood Barn Owls had another trip to do some pond dipping and we were very excited to see that the frogspawn and changed into tadpoles. The children discussed how the tadpoles would soon turn into frogs. One of the children was very excited to find a big wiggly worm in the pond and we all got a close look at it in the net as it was trying to wiggle out.
We were very lucky to have some frogspawn brought in by one of our families and we have now set up an area where we can observe the frogspawn and watch how they change into frogs.

At Toftwood we were very lucky to be donated some frogspawn for the children to explore.
We have created a lovely area where the children can observe and learn all about the life-cycle of a frog and observe the changes over time.
When we reach the stage where they have become frogs we will release them in our local pond as we can’t have frogs hopping all over nursery can we?