Story map, Loving Kindness & Interactive Screen

Story Map

This afternoon some of the Barn owls asked if we could do some story mapping, this is something barn owls have really been enjoying lately.
Kiki read barn owls the story ‘This is the bear and the picnic lunch’ barn owls sat lovely and listened to the story, when the story was finished the children drew some of the things they had seen in the story and the adult drew a few pictures for barn owls to colour in!
“I’m drawing the boy”
“I drew the rain”
Barn owls were talking about the food the boy had packed, ‘sandwiches, crisps and an apple to crunch’ barn owls wondered how crunchy the nursery apples were so the adult cut some up for barn owls to investigate!
“Mine is crunchy”
What things would you pack in your picnic?

Loving kindess

One of our core stories is Loving Kindness, this story is all about self compassion and encourages an open hearted and kind approach to life fostering greater well being, happiness and connections.
This morning the children all had an opportunity to take part in a kindness challenge, each child had the opportunity to pick a challenge from the circle of kindness and attempt to complete them.
G.W – chose use kind words “I say, mummy I love you, that make mummt happy!
A.B – gave a friend a big hug and also tucked unacceptable around the playdough table when children had finished playing.
V.M- helped someone put their coat on. Also helped to tidy up the room.
I.L Say something kind to someone she said “Thank you for putting my coat on!”
E. H Tidy our hands and coat area, was able to put his items back into his box.
S.W Say something kind about your self – “Mummy do this, good at playdough and share!”
C.W Put some rubbish in the bin – found some rubbish and our in the bin in our messy area!
A.S.H held the door open for an adult coming through with snack!
L.S found another child’s comforter the task was to make someone happy! “here you go!” Handing comfortable to child who had lost it.
G.B – Tidy chairs – Helped push all the chairs into the table in the messy area.
A.M – Helped an adult open the door for a nappy changes as the door was shut.
T.L Helped to push all the chairs around the table
N.W – Sit with someone who I’d alone, went over to child at snack time sat next to the child and began to hug them and stroke their hand.
E.W – make a thank you card, together We created a thank you card for mummy and daddy “home no work, I did it , thank you.” Talking about Mummy and daddy while drawing!”
H.B – Say well done to someone, went up to another child who she visited barn owls with and high fived them to say well done for being so brave!
L.J do something that makes you happy, he answered “hug my friend!” he then went to find his friend and asked for a big the child accepted and the both hugged eachother.
Throughout the morning the children have continued being kind and caring to their peers sharing the play dough offering pieces of play dough to those who had none! As well as helping each other get dressed in our dress up clothes!
Well done Snowy Owls you have all been incredibly kind and help us to your friends and grown ups and I am extremely proud of you all!

Interactive Screen

Mathematics Today, the Barn Owls Red group visited Barn Owls Yellow to engage with their interactive screen by participating in the teddy bear number game.
The Barn Owls demonstrated confidence in operating the screen’s basic functions, using their fine motor skills to drag the appropriate number of presents to the teddy bear.
Additionally, the Barn Owls showed confidence in verbally counting, pointing to each present as they transferred them to the teddy bear. Throughout our group activity, we focused on recognizing numbers one to ten to work out how many presents the teddy bear required at that moment in time .
Well Done Barn Owls