Story Mapping, Firepit & Seasonal Changes

Story Mapping

This morning during our group time our Barn Owls have enjoyed joining in with a story mapping session! This week’s story was ‘Shark in the park on a windy day’
Story mapping is a wonderful way for children to explore a range of different stories and characters, thinking about their feelings and emotions. It encourages the children to start retelling stories and the events in their own words, developing vocabulary and will ultimately help them to begin to create their own stories!
We began our session today by reading the story as a group, the children were already familiar with this style book and were able to read along with the grown up! ‘THERES A SHARK IN THE PARK’ we all shouted!
Once the story had ended we used paper and pens to story map the book, revisiting and main events of the book and sequencing them with drawings!
‘it wasn’t a shark it was a dog’ remembered RC
‘there was a shark!’ NCH recounted
Great job retelling the story barn owls!

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Hot chocolate – fire pit activity

Yesterday in barn owls we have had a lovely opportunity to make our very own hot chocolate on the fire (warm oat milk for our dairy free children and warm milk for our chocolate free). Around the fire we have spoken about our golden rules of keeping safe around the fire along with making sure we stay sat down at all times .
After the nursery nurse had lots the fire and added a saucepan full of milk we helped our nursery practitioner count how many spoonfuls of powder we needed. We then observed the milk change colour too.
‘ Its white!’ HB
‘ Its hot ‘ WH
‘thats yummy ‘ SC
‘ Chocolate !’VH
‘ Got to blow it !’ EB
Once we all have our very own cup, we ensure the drink was cool enough to drink before describing what our hot chocolate tasted like!
‘ Its chocolate ‘ HB
‘ Its my drink !’ GU
Linking in with autumn and our natural world we have been able to explore the fire ,talking about what colours we can see
‘Its yellow ‘ WH,
‘Its orange !’AC.
Well done Barn owls!

Exploring the Park and Seasonal Changes

Today in Tawny Owls Toftwood we have enjoyed going for a walk in the local environment to look out for some seasonal changes and to visit one of the local parks. The children have enjoyed looking at different things on our walk like dogs, leaves, trees and vehicles. Some of the children said “Dog” and “Car” Whilst we were walking we spoke about the different colours we could see on the trees and the leaves on the ground
Once we arrived at the park the children were super keen to go off and explore! Some of the children showed lots of confidence whilst climbing up the climbing frame and sliding down the slide, other children enjoyed playing in the swings and kicking their legs to make the swing move! The children really enjoyed this new environment! Fab playing Tawny Owls