Valentines theme at Tawny Owls Scarning

This week in Tawny Owls Scarning our theme has been Valentines. Our babies today have had a fantastic time taking part in lots of Valentine activities. Our babies were fascinated by the red playdough. They explored their own individual playdough. Our babies enjoyed creating marks with the rollers and their fingers and had fun pressing natural resources such as pink petals and leaves into the playdough.
Additionally, some of the rising 2 children had an excellent experience with the strawberry scented water tray which contained an assortment of petals and leaves as well as the tea pots and cups. They were immersed with the water, filling up the cups and tea pot and sprinkling out the content. Where as some of the children preferred touching the soft petals with their little index fingers.
Some of the lovely words and sounds that were witnessed during this include…
“It wet”
“More Char Char”
“Ooooh wet”
“One you”
“Weee up”
Well done Tawny Owls. It looks like you have all had a fantastic day!