World Ocean & Environment Day at Little Owls

Today at Little Owls Scarning we have all been engaging in activities based around “World Ocean & Environment Day”
Barn Owls have been exploring a tray filled with water, sea animals, nets and loose items which are often found in the sea such as face masks and plastics! Barn owls did a fantastic job fishing out the different waste items helping save the various sea animals and environment
Snowy Owls have been busy engaging in a sensory tray filled with pasta, ocean themed sponges, boats and a range of under the sea animals. Snowy Owls really enjoyed choosing out the different sponges and describing what shapes they resembled, they also enjoyed using small world people to go scuba diving searching for sea animals!
Tawny Owls have displayed a lovely Ocean themed tray filled with various different textures such as coloured materials, crepe paper, sea shells, sea animals and pictures showing what we often may find when we visit the seaside! Tawny Owls loved feeling the different materials, playing with the sharks and pointing out items they recognised in the pictures!
All these activities gave the children fantastic opportunities to discuss the subjects of the environment and the ocean whilst also exploring textures and having fun with their friends!
“I found a mask” “I have a whale” “Look a turtle” “There’s a red boat and two blue boats” “Let me pour that in there” “Splish splash” “Shark!” “Shells!”

Today in barn owls Yellow we have been learning about taking care of the environment around us! Barn owls used their fine motor skills and tweezers to take away all of the plastics and masks in our ocean builders tray! We talked about how this will keep the sea life safe and our planet clean! Barn owls also enjoyed singing the songs ; I had a tiny turtle , baby shark and under the sea.

What a fantastic treat the Barn Owls have had today in Scarning!
The children loved making some smiley face tortilla pizza’s, alongside our chef Annie, to celebrate ‘Healthy Eating Week!’. This activity involved the children spreading tomato purée on their tortillas, adding on lots of cheese, and decorating funny faces using a mixture of different vegetables, such as mushrooms and pepper!
The children loved this activity, taking them home to enjoy
A special thank you to Annie also, for arranging such a great activity for the children to enjoy!

This week we’ve been focusing on eating healthy! Today we had a yummy snack filled with various fruits to try! We had things like watermelon strawberry pepper kiwi and blueberries
All our tawny owls thoroughly enjoyed their snack and tried a bit of everything! Well done tawny owls.

As part of our Forest School style activities this week we have been discussing our experiences of watching our caterpillars transform into butterflies. We talked about the changes we observed and how we enjoyed watching them all fly off to their new homes. After, we created some beautiful butterflies using symmetry. We painted one side then folded it over and looked how the patterns mirrored on the other side.
The children really enjoyed creating these beautiful butterflies.