A lot of dancing to be had
Today in Barn Owls following on from last week reading the story 3 little pigs, we have been discussing what materials the pigs use to build their houses.
In the builders tray today we have used bricks, sticks and straw to make our own little houses to role play with pig characters.
During the activity we have spoken about how the materials feel , one Barn Owl suggested the bricks are ‘ hard’ where as another suggested the sticks would “break”
The Barn Owls in Scarning have loved celebrating the topic of Music and Yoga this week, and today have enjoyed practising their yoga skills when listening to the story of Meddy Teddy!
The children loved moving in to the different positions and seeing how well they can balance, all whilst listening to a calming story!
This morning Snowy Owls have enjoyed playing with our new bubble toys!
The children have loved running around the garden, chasing after the bubbles before they blow away!
We also focused on what colours we could see in the bubbles like “Blue, pink and green”.
We then explored the rocket launcher that launched loads of bubbles into the sky!
The children have also enjoyed waving the bubble wand in the sky to create lots of bubbles!
Today in toftwood tawny owls we created our very own musical shakers! We used toilet roll tubes and rice to create our shakers!
We used a spoon to scoop the rice into the shaker and we did it all independently!!!
We thoroughly enjoyed creating sounds using our musical shakers too!!
We can’t wait to celebrate International Dance Day tomorrow
Today in barn owls yellow we have been doing our weekly forest school style activity!
This week barn owls have been reflecting on last weeks story of the three little pigs Barn owls talked about the different materials they used in the story and then got to work creating their own houses!
Barn owls used a variety or resources including bricks, sticks and straw!
They then tested out the houses with the different piggies and used their biggest breaths to try and blow their houses down!
Barn owls found that their brick house was the hardest to blow down.
This week Snowy Owls Scarning have been focusing on the topic of music and movement.
Today we celebrated ‘international dance day’ which fitted in perfectly with our theme of the week.
Throughout the day we have listened to a range of music and favourite chosen songs through Alexa whilst pulling out our best dance moves!
Snowy Owls have also been very creative today making their own tambourines and shakers using loose resources such as bells, pasta, lentils and plastic bottles to use whilst dancing!
We have enjoyed a very fun filled day of dancing and making music amongst a friends full of smiles, we hope you enjoyed international dance day too!
In Barn Owls today to celebrate international dance day the children have been busy learning different dances from around the world!
Barn Owls enjoyed learning ballet and Haka moves taught by the lovely Sarah-Beth! We have also been busy dancing along to our favourite cosmic kids dance party!