Christmas cards, a reindeer hunt and much more…

Keeping our balance

Yesterday within the garden we have been moving freely with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways.

We have been running and jumping around the garden avoiding obstacles as well as taking turns on the new balance bikes, keeping our balance.

Good work Snowy Owls.


Reindeer hunt

Some of our Toftwood Snowy Owl Children enjoyed going on a reindeer hunt around the garden yesterday the children were very excited to help round up all of the reindeer for their important job next month!

Good job Snowy Owls


nursery handprints

Christmas tree

Today our barn Owls at Scarning have been using loose parts and their imagination to create a ‘Christmas tree’ in the tuff tray.

“Ooo it’s shiny”
“Look a bauble”
“1,2,3,4 I have four conkers”
“I’m making a bauble”

Christmas tree star

This morning in Snowy Owls Toftwood the children have enjoyed making a star for the top of our Snowy Owl Christmas tree!

We cut out some star shapes and the Snowy Owls added lots of glue and glitter to make them so sparkly, before adding them to the top of our tree!

Exploring nature

This morning in the garden Barn Owls Yellow have been exploring a natural resources tray filled with autumnal leaves, buckets and spades.

The children talked about how the leaves felt describing them as soft but crunchy.

We then collected the leaves in the buckets before throwing them up into the air!

The children showed high engagement throughout this simple yet effective activity.

Cards for Eckling Grange

Today barn Owls have enjoyed spreading the Christmas cheer.

We have been making some lovely Christmas cards for The residents at Eckling Grange.

Barn owls used their hands to make Reindeer’s! We hope the residents love their Christmas cards

nursery handprints

Creation station

This morning in the garden Barn Owls Yellow have been exploring a natural resources tray filled with autumnal leaves, buckets and spades.

The children talked about how the leaves felt describing them as soft but crunchy.

We then collected the leaves in the buckets before throwing them up into the air!

The children showed high engagement throughout this simple yet effective activity.

nursery handprints