Families Twilight Yoga Sessions
Families Twilight Yoga Sessions
Dear Families,
We are writing to invite you on an ‘Autumn Adventure’ in Yoga and Mindfulness.
Following on from the success of our summer yoga cafes we are offering families the opportunity to join in one of our Twilight yoga sessions. The sessions will consist of an autumn themed story and yoga session, exploring sensory dough, practising mindfulness & gratitude before enjoying a cup of warm milk or warm Ribena to close the session.
The sessions will be held as follows:
Tawny Owls (Toftwood & Scarning) Friday 4th October at 5pm
Snowy Owls (Toftwood & Scarning) Friday 11th October at 5pm
Barn Owls Toftwood Thursday 17th October at 5pm
Barn Owls Scarning Friday 18th October at 5pm
If you would like to book a place on any of these sessions please contact your nursery manager.
Scarning: mail@littleowlsscarning.co.uk 01362 690777
Toftwood: mail@littleowlstoftwood.co.uk 01362 699700
We look forward to seeing you there!
Little Owls Day Nursery